Deploying differences To Drive
Breakthrough Performance
Differences driven Excellence & innovation!
DEI∙NEXT∙GEN takes diversity, equity & inclusion to the next level applied strategically to drive breakthrough performance with bottom line impact.
Aligning all stakeholders through the shared goals of opportunity, appreciation and prosperity for all reducing tension & conflict that often accompany.
Building upon Steve Jobs’ “connecting dots”, DEI∙NEXT∙GEN redefines DEI by celebrating differences as powerful assets that…when strategically deployed…drive excellence & innovation.
Valuing differences as powerful assets to be treasured and strategically deployed creates a rising tide that lifts the boats of all races & cultures & helps level the playing field for all.
DEI∙NEXT∙GEN not only unlocks breakthrough performance, but also creates a difficult to replicate sustainable competitive advantage that benefits all stakeholders of your organization & the communities they serve.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Previous Generation of DEI
Addresses Symptoms
PR driven
HR/Staff Led
Bolt-on Program
Focus on Race & Culture
Education to Address Hate & Ignorance
Can be Divisive, Polarizing, Political & Emotionally Charged & Confrontational
Success Measured by PR/HR Metrics
Differences Driven Excellence & Innovation
Next Generation of DEI
Addresses Root Causes
Bottom Line Driven
C-Suite/Line Led
Transformation Baked into Organizational DNA
Focus on Valuing & Mobilizing Differences
Leverage Valued Assets to Increase Productivity & ROI (with Benefits Shared Equitably with All Contributors)
Minimizes Tension & Conflict
Success measured by the Bottom Line
Effectively embedding DEI∙NEXT∙GEN into your company’s DNA can:
Elevate your brand
Create a compelling market differentiator
Create a difficult to replicate sustainable source of competitive advantage
Tap new talent pools
Tap new markets
Increase creativity & innovation
Increase employee satisfaction (the factor that correlates most closely with customer satisfaction)
Reduce employee turnover
Reduce absenteeism, sick days & medical claims
In addition to providing compelling business benefits for your organization, DEI∙NEXT∙GEN delivers a compelling value proposition to the community:
Helps bridge the Employment Gap by creating hiqh quality job opportunities & promising career paths for underrepresented populations.
Helps bridge the Wealth Gap by creating lucrative financial opportunities for underrepresented populations.
Provides populations that have been underserved with greater access to a wider array of products & services.
Provides populations that have been underserved with products & services tailored to their needs & preferences.
Improves the community’s racial & cultural harmony by aligning the objectives of & facilitating greater engagement & building of relationships between races & cultures.