Deploying differences To Drive

Breakthrough Performance

 Differences driven Excellence & innovation! 

  • DEI∙NEXT∙GEN takes diversity, equity & inclusion to the next level applied strategically to drive breakthrough performance with bottom line impact.

  • Aligning all stakeholders through the shared goals of opportunity, appreciation and prosperity for all reducing tension & conflict that often accompany.

  • Building upon Steve Jobs’ “connecting dots”, DEI∙NEXT∙GEN redefines DEI by celebrating differences as powerful assets that…when strategically deployed…drive excellence & innovation.

  • Valuing differences as powerful assets to be treasured and strategically deployed creates a rising tide that lifts the boats of all races & cultures & helps level the playing field for all.

  • DEI∙NEXT∙GEN not only unlocks breakthrough performance, but also creates a difficult to replicate sustainable competitive advantage that benefits all stakeholders of your organization & the communities they serve.






  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

  • Previous Generation of DEI

  • Addresses Symptoms

  • PR driven

  • HR/Staff Led

  • Bolt-on Program

  • Focus on Race & Culture

  • Education to Address Hate & Ignorance

  • Can be Divisive, Polarizing, Political & Emotionally Charged & Confrontational

  • Success Measured by PR/HR Metrics


  • Differences Driven Excellence & Innovation

  • Next Generation of DEI

  • Addresses Root Causes

  • Bottom Line Driven

  • C-Suite/Line Led

  • Transformation Baked into Organizational DNA

  • Focus on Valuing & Mobilizing Differences

  • Leverage Valued Assets to Increase Productivity & ROI (with Benefits Shared Equitably with All Contributors)

  • Minimizes Tension & Conflict

  • Success measured by the Bottom Line


Effectively embedding DEI∙NEXT∙GEN into your company’s DNA can:

  • Elevate your brand

  • Create a compelling market differentiator

  • Create a difficult to replicate sustainable source of competitive advantage

  • Tap new talent pools

  • Tap new markets

  • Increase creativity & innovation

  • Increase employee satisfaction (the factor that correlates most closely with customer satisfaction)

  • Reduce employee turnover

  • Reduce absenteeism, sick days & medical claims



In addition to providing compelling business benefits for your organization, DEI∙NEXT∙GEN delivers a compelling value proposition to the community:

  • Helps bridge the Employment Gap by creating hiqh quality job opportunities & promising career paths for underrepresented populations.

  • Helps bridge the Wealth Gap by creating lucrative financial opportunities for underrepresented populations.

  • Provides populations that have been underserved with greater access to a wider array of products & services.

  • Provides populations that have been underserved with products & services tailored to their needs & preferences.

  • Improves the community’s racial & cultural harmony by aligning the objectives of & facilitating greater engagement & building of relationships between races & cultures.